Celebrating a third-grade Student of the Month!!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Student of the Month!
An INCREDIBLE Leadership Day was had by all on Friday! #leaderinme #Leaderseverywhere
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Leadership Day
Leadership Day
Leadership Day
Leadership Day
Leadership Day
Leadership Day
Leadership Day
Leadership Day
Leadership Day
Leadership Day
Way to go Kindergarten kiddos! ATTENDANCE COUNTS winners and enjoyed a bubble party!!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Attendance Counts winners
Attendance Counts winners
Attendance Counts winners
Attendance Counts winners
Attendance Counts winners
Attendance Counts winners
More leaders going above and beyond!! 4th-grade helping out Kindergarten!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
4th-grade Leaders
4th-grade Leaders
4th-grade Leaders
LOVING third graders working with Kindergarten students as we get ready for our first Leadership Day!!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Leadership Day Prep
Leadership Day Prep
Leadership Day Prep
Leadership Day Prep
Leadership Day Prep
Leadership Day Prep
A HUGE congratulations to the 4th-grade Principal Pride winners for May!!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Principal Pride winners
An incredibly hard-working Kindergarten Student of the Month!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Kindergarten Student of the Month!!
Congratulations to our latest Principal Pride winners!!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
May Principal Pride Winners!
A third-grade Student of the Month was honored yesterday!!!! Proud of you!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Student of the Month
Attendance Counts winners in First-grade!! Congratulations!!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Attendance Counts Winners!!
Mystery Reading was a GREAT time in first-grade!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
First-grade Mystery Reader
ANOTHER incredible performance tonight as Kindergarten students displayed their singing voices at their concert tonight!! Mrs. Barr continued her wonderful tutelage of these Martin Mustangs! #talentattheranch
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Kindergarten Music Concert
Kindergarten Music Concert
Kindergarten Music Concert
Kindergarten Music Concert
Kindergarten Music Concert
Kindergarten Music Concert
Kindergarten Music Concert
Kindergarten Music Concert
Kindergarten Music Concert
Hard work and GRIT paying off for Principal Pride winners!!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
May Principal Pride Winners!
Fifth-grade attendance counts winners today!!! #atschoolalldayeveryday #congratulations #funontheranch
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Fifth-grade attendance counts winners
Fifth-grade attendance counts winners
Fifth-grade attendance counts winners
Fifth-grade attendance counts winners
Second-grade LOVED their visitors today....#newfriends
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Reptile Visit
Reptile Visit
Reptile Visit
Reptile Visit
First-grade fun planting White Oak trees!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Planting trees!
Congratulations to a hard-working Kindergarten Student of the Month!!!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Kindergarten Student of the Month
LEAD: On behalf of Lake Villa District 41, Mr. Steve Feldman and Dr. Vic Wight met with Congressman Brad Schneider to discuss the ongoing challenges schools face with social media. Discussions revolved around anonymous accounts on Tik Tok, Instagram, and Snapchat.
over 1 year ago, Victor Wight
Meeting with Congressman Brad Schneider
We appreciate the Lake Villa Public Library coming to the Ranch today and discussing their Summer Reading Program.....SWEET SUMMER will run from Monday, June 5th-Sunday, August 13!! #raffleentries #readallsummerlong
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
2023 Summer Reading Presentation
2023 Summer Reading Presentation
2023 Summer Reading Presentation
2023 Summer Reading Presentation
An incredible time for our Principal for the Day yesterday! We enjoyed reading to Kindergarten classrooms, honoring Principal Pride winners, Walking Jeep with Dr. Zimmer, and Dr. Keim, and acknowledging our fabulous lunchroom staff.....among many other duties! #busyallday.
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Principal Pride Winners
Arbor Staff Honored
Principal for the Day Activities
Principal for the Day Activities
Principal for the Day Activities
Principal for the Day Activities
Principal for the Day Activities
Principal for the Day Activities
Principal for the Day Activities
Principal for the Day Activities