A wonderful sendoff to Dr. Zimmer and Jeep as they take a farewell "lap" around Martin School to say goodbye at the ranch!!
Fun camping in first grade today!!
Fun camping in first grade today!! #smoresincluded
Fun camping in first grade today!! #smoresincluded
Proud of a third-grade Student of the Month!
Congrats to a fourth-grade Student of the Month!!
Rainbow Day at the ranch today! #Firstgradefun!
Appreciate our surprise second-grade mystery reader!!
More first-grade Glow learning fun!
First-grade Glow Day LEARNING!!!
Glow Day Learning in first-grade!!
Attendance Counts winners!! #blanketfort
Spelling Counts!!
LOVING the outdoor classroom!! #eaglescoutproject
Congratulations to a 4th-grade Student of the Month!!
First-grade bubble day!!
Incredible job by our 5th graders presenting to 4th-grade leaders about leadership opportunities for next year! #tourguide #MartinTV #2023-2024
Proud of more May Principal Pride winners!!
More May Principal Pride winners today!! #hardworkpaysoff
Exciting things are happening in Lake Villa School District 41! Please check our openings here and share this with anyone that might be interested in a Leader in Me District: https://www.applitrack.com/district41/onlineapp/default.aspx