Our culture team with some incredible work at Martin today!!
Congrats to 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Principal Pride winners!
SUPER proud of a fourth-grade Student of the Month!!!
MORE students working hard toward our attendance WIG (Wildly Important Goal). These third graders earned their attendance counts reward today and chose a fun game!!! #win-win!
A HUGE congrats to an April Kindergarten Student of the Month
And just like that....the outdoor classroom is open!!!!! #whiteboardincluded
Meaningful May! Who's in? #makeitcount
Mrs. Wire shared her wealth of knowledge about trees to celebrate Arbor Day. Then every 5th grader took home a white Oak sapling!
4th graders putting on a play for our bilingual Kindergarten in Spanish.
The play was about Freddie the fish who swam through polluted rivers until a friendly Martin Kindergartener saved him and put him in a clean river. #growingleaders #studentvoice
Extremely proud of our April Students of the Month!! #4thgrade #5thgrade
Math Wizards earning their Principal Pride awards for April!!!
A HUGE shoutout to April Principal Pride winners!!!
Congratulations to MORE Principal Pride winners for April!!! Proud of you! #mustangstrong
We were honored to be able to receive an outdoor classroom complete with benches, tables, and a whiteboard from a former student, Fitzroy Walsh, who is obtaining her Eagle Scout badge!! A huge thank you to Mrs. Laughlin for assisting in planning the location for this project The classroom is located near the Northwest corner of the building. #leadership #ranchalum
School Bus Driver Day 2023!! #thankyou!
Congrats to first-grade and fourth-grade Students of the Month!!!
Come join the Lake Villa CCSD 41 team! We are looking for a Full Time General Maintenance person. Please click the following link to apply Click Here
2 incredible 5th-grade leaders were honored this morning at the Illinois Principals Association Recognition Breakfast (Lake County) for their dedication inside and outside of school. EXTREMELY proud of these Martin Mustangs! #thefutureisbright #leadershipskills #letthemlead
K-5 Open House a HUGE success tonight! An incredibly hard-working staff welcoming SO many families on-site tonight!!!! #theranchwasfull
K-5 Open House a HUGE success tonight! An incredibly hard-working staff welcoming SO many families on-site tonight!!!! #theranchwasfull