Field Day Fun!
Field Day Fun!
Field Day Fun!
Field Day Fun!
Field Day Fun!
Field Day Fun!
Congratulations to first-grade Students of the Month!!!
An incredible Kindergarten graduation today! #packedhouse #youngleaders
Nature walk with students & Energy and Motion activities with snap circuits! #marblerun
Congratulations to our third-grade Student of the Month!!
Our Artist in Residence is almost done for the 2022-2023 school year....stay tuned for the "marks"........coming soon!!!
Principal Pride Award winners!!
A few Mustang messages to be placed in the front of the building for the 2023-2024 school year!
Extremely proud of a second-grade Student of the Month!!
5th-graders working on their Mustang Message Rocks! #Leaveyourmark #growingleaders
HighTouch-HighTech Edison Workshop today at the Ranch with third-grade!!
More Mustangs were honored today at the award ceremony! #congratulations!
Incredible Award Ceremony today for our 5th graders (and some 4th)! #consistenteffort #assesmblyleaders #leaderinme
Joyful June............continues!
Incredible band concert at Palombi from Mr. Jones!!