Field Day Fun!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Field Day Fun
Field Day Fun
Field Day Fun
Field Day Fun!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Field Day Fun
Field Day Fun
Field Day Fun
Field Day Fun!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Field Day Fun!
Field Day Fun!
Field Day Fun!
Field Day Fun!
Field Day Fun!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Field Day Fun!
Field Day Fun!
Field Day Fun!
Field Day Fun!
Field Day Fun!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Field Day Fun!
Field Day Fun!
Field Day Fun!
Field Day Fun!
Field Day Fun!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Field Day Fun
Field Day Fun
Field Day Fun
Field Day Fun
Congratulations to first-grade Students of the Month!!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Student of the Month
Student of the Month
An incredible Kindergarten graduation today! #packedhouse #youngleaders
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Kindergarten Graduation
Kindergarten Graduation
Kindergarten Graduation
Kindergarten Graduation
Kindergarten Graduation
Kindergarten Graduation
Kindergarten Graduation
Kindergarten Graduation
Kindergarten Graduation
Kindergarten Graduation
Nature walk with students & Energy and Motion activities with snap circuits! #marblerun
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
snap circuits
Nature Walk
snap circuits
snap circuits
Snap circuits
Congratulations to our third-grade Student of the Month!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Student of the Month!
Our Artist in Residence is almost done for the 2022-2023 school year....stay tuned for the "marks"........coming soon!!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Kindergarten Mural
Kindergarten Mural
Kindergarten Mural
Kindergarten Mural
Kindergarten Mural
Kindergarten Mural
Kindergarten Mural
Kindergarten Mural
Kindergarten Mural
Principal Pride Award winners!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Principal Pride Award winners!!
A few Mustang messages to be placed in the front of the building for the 2023-2024 school year!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Mustang message rocks
Mustang message rocks
Extremely proud of a second-grade Student of the Month!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Student of the Month
5th-graders working on their Mustang Message Rocks! #Leaveyourmark #growingleaders
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Mustang Message Rocks for the Front Entrance
Mustang Message Rocks for the Front Entrance
Mustang Message Rocks for the Front Entrance
Mustang Message Rocks for the Front Entrance
Mustang Message Rocks for the Front Entrance
Mustang Message Rocks for the Front Entrance
Mustang Message Rocks for the Front Entrance
Mustang Message Rocks for the Front Entrance
Mustang Message Rocks for the Front Entrance
Mustang Message Rocks for the Front Entrance
HighTouch-HighTech Edison Workshop today at the Ranch with third-grade!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
HighTouch-HighTech Edison Workshop
HighTouch-HighTech Edison Workshop
HighTouch-HighTech Edison Workshop
HighTouch-HighTech Edison Workshop
HighTouch-HighTech Edison Workshop
HighTouch-HighTech Edison Workshop
HighTouch-HighTech Edison Workshop
HighTouch-HighTech Edison Workshop
More Mustangs were honored today at the award ceremony! #congratulations!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Award Assembly
Award Assembly
Award Assembly
Assembly Leader
Assembly Leader
Incredible Award Ceremony today for our 5th graders (and some 4th)! #consistenteffort #assesmblyleaders #leaderinme
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Award Ceremony
Award Ceremony
Award Ceremony
Award Ceremony
Joyful June............continues!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Joyful June is here!
Incredible band concert at Palombi from Mr. Jones!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Band Concert
Band Concert
Band Concert
Band Concert