Stop by Martin School for the Book Fair and Food Truck from 5-8 PM TONIGHT!!!

National Custodian Appreciation Day Today!!!! #thankyou #weappreciateyou #teamwork

5th-grade winning classroom for attendance September 25-29!

Principal Pride winners today #mathematicians

A wonderful time was had by all today at the PTO Fall Fest!!! #LV41familytime #allschoolsrepresented

It was a great day at the PTO Fall Fest and Trunk or Treat!

Student of the Month Assembly led by 5th-grade leaders this morning. Students were honored for their display of Habit #1-Be Proactive! #leaderinme #growingleadersoneatatime

Goals! #nevertooearlytoset #leaders

Dr. Zimmer and Harry are on the Ranch for a visit this morning!! He's SO big already!

Birthday Book Picks today!!!!

Lake Villa District 41's Portrait of a Graduate series is off to a great start! Thank you, stakeholders, for submitting your survey results! #elevateLV41

An incredible evening with stakeholders working collaboratively on the Portrait of a Graduate in LVSD#41!!

Team Orientated Games are BACK!!

Martin School's Building Leadership Team discussed instructional strategies this week as a part of their School Improvement Planning!

PTO-sponsored Dodgeball NIght at Martin tonight was INCREDIBLE!!! A HUGE turnout and fun had by all!!

Have you been able to synergize like 5th graders?!?

First-grade making more applesauce!!!

The Book is Coming....The Book Fair is Coming!!!
Come to the Martin School Book Fair next week!! Monday, October 2nd is Family Night from 5-8 PM with a FOOD TRUCK! Book fair hours during the school day for students are 9 AM-2 PM Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday!! See you soon!!

First-grade Mystery Reader on the Ranch!

Taste-testing homemade applesauce in first grade!