Stop by Martin School for the Book Fair and Food Truck from 5-8 PM TONIGHT!!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Food Truck Menu
National Custodian Appreciation Day Today!!!! #thankyou #weappreciateyou #teamwork
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
National Custodian Day October 2!
5th-grade winning classroom for attendance September 25-29!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
5th grade attendance winner 9/25-9/29
Principal Pride winners today #mathematicians
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Principal Pride Winners
A wonderful time was had by all today at the PTO Fall Fest!!! #LV41familytime #allschoolsrepresented
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Fall Fest
Fall Fest
It was a great day at the PTO Fall Fest and Trunk or Treat!
over 1 year ago, Sandra Keim-Bounds
Student of the Month Assembly led by 5th-grade leaders this morning. Students were honored for their display of Habit #1-Be Proactive! #leaderinme #growingleadersoneatatime
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Student of the Month Assembly
Student of the Month Assembly
Student of the Month Assembly
Student of the Month Assembly
Student of the Month Assembly
Student of the Month Assembly
Student of the Month Assembly
Student of the Month Assembly
Goals! #nevertooearlytoset #leaders
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Goal Setting
Goal Setting
Goal Setting
Dr. Zimmer and Harry are on the Ranch for a visit this morning!! He's SO big already!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Dr. Zimmer and Harry
Dr. Zimmer and Harry
Dr. Zimmer and Harry
Dr. Zimmer and Harry
Dr. Zimmer and Harry
Dr. Zimmer and Harry
Dr. Zimmer and Harry
Dr. Zimmer and Harry
Dr. Zimmer and Harry
Birthday Book Picks today!!!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Birthday Picks!
Lake Villa District 41's Portrait of a Graduate series is off to a great start! Thank you, stakeholders, for submitting your survey results! #elevateLV41
over 1 year ago, Sandra Keim-Bounds
POR  2
An incredible evening with stakeholders working collaboratively on the Portrait of a Graduate in LVSD#41!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Portrait of a Graduate Evening
Portrait of a Graduate Evening
Portrait of a Graduate Evening
Portrait of a Graduate Evening
Portrait of a Graduate Evening
Portrait of a Graduate Evening
Portrait of a Graduate Evening
Portrait of a Graduate Evening
Portrait of a Graduate Evening
Team Orientated Games are BACK!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Team Games
Team Games
Team Games
Martin School's Building Leadership Team discussed instructional strategies this week as a part of their School Improvement Planning!
over 1 year ago, Sandra Keim-Bounds
PTO-sponsored Dodgeball NIght at Martin tonight was INCREDIBLE!!! A HUGE turnout and fun had by all!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Dodgeball Night
Dodgeball Night
Dodgeball Night
Dodgeball Night
Dodgeball Night
Dodgeball Night
Have you been able to synergize like 5th graders?!?
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
First-grade making more applesauce!!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Making Applesauce
Making Applesauce
Making Applesauce
The Book is Coming....The Book Fair is Coming!!! Come to the Martin School Book Fair next week!! Monday, October 2nd is Family Night from 5-8 PM with a FOOD TRUCK! Book fair hours during the school day for students are 9 AM-2 PM Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday!! See you soon!!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Fall Book Fair
Fall Book Fair
First-grade Mystery Reader on the Ranch!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Mystery Reader
Mystery Reader
Taste-testing homemade applesauce in first grade!
over 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Taste-testing homemade applesauce in first grade!