Our Student Lighthouse & Tourguide members did an INCREDIBLE job last night as they created AND presented a slideshow on leadership to the #LV41 Board of Education!
5 months ago, Scott Klene
Student Lighthouse & Tourguide members
This second grader won lunch with a teacher and picked Mr. Feldman. Instead of a packed lunch, Mr. Feldman bought him McDonalds. #happystudent
5 months ago, Steve Feldman
Appreciate our first-grade mystery reader on the ranch!
5 months ago, Scott Klene
first-grade mystery reader
Honored to have local author Lowey Sichol at the Ranch today introducing business and entrepreneurship to 5th graders! #growingleaders
5 months ago, Scott Klene
local author Lowey Sichol
local author Lowey Sichol
local author Lowey Sichol
local author Lowey Sichol
local author Lowey Sichol
local author Lowey Sichol
local author Lowey Sichol
Health office helper!
5 months ago, Scott Klene
Health office helper
February Principal Pride recipient! #goalmet #whatsnext #bringiton
5 months ago, Scott Klene
February Principal Pride!
Friday fun with our coffee & snack cart run by students #nevertooyoungtolead
5 months ago, Scott Klene
Coffee and snack cart run by students
Kindergarten Mystery Reader! #memories
5 months ago, Scott Klene
Kindergarten Mystery Reader!
Kindergarten Mystery Reader!
What?!? Martin Mustangs collected more than 3,700 PAIRS of socks for the Open Arms Mission this week!!!! What an incredible SELFLESS act!!! #leaderslead
5 months ago, Scott Klene
 3,700 PAIRS of socks for the Open Arms Mission
Some friendly competition before the Super Bowl.
5 months ago, Steve Feldman
First grade Mystery Reader on the Ranch!
5 months ago, Scott Klene
First grade Mystery Reader
First grade Mystery Reader
100th day of fun for Kindergarten today #thatwasfast
5 months ago, Scott Klene
100th Day of School for Kindergarten!
Principal Pride for February!
5 months ago, Scott Klene
Principal Pride
Thanks to the Lake Villa Library for allowing Mr. Feldman to read to some Hooper students and future Jaguars tonight!!!
5 months ago, Steve Feldman
Students in 2nd grade at Hooper got to enjoy an in school science field trip to learn about the states of matter and answer the question: Does spaghetti bounce?
5 months ago, Steve Feldman
Health office helpers!
5 months ago, Scott Klene
Health Office Helpers!
Second-grade mystery reader on the ranch!!
5 months ago, Scott Klene
Second-grade mystery reader
Hooper 5th Leader, Stella, came up with an idea:  a 5th grade mail delivery system!  We call it “Happy Mail”!  5th graders are invited to write positive messages to other 5th graders.  Great leadership Stella!  
5 months ago, Steve Feldman
Students in Ms. Zaengle's class celebrated the 100th day at Hooper by dressing up. Great job!!!
5 months ago, Steve Feldman
An incredible Student of the Month ceremony this morning honoring Habit #5-Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood. #studentleaders #Leaderinme #assemblyleaders
6 months ago, Scott Klene
Assembly Leader
Assembly Leader
Student of the Month
Student of the Month
Students of the Month
Student of the Month