Our "Final Wave" today as students left the Ranch for the 2023-2024 school year. You will ALL be missed!!! See you next year and have a safe summer!!
First grade Mystery Reader joining via remote!!!
Don't forget the Martin Summer Reading Adventure! All students have been invited and have received the handouts! #reads'more!
Congratulations to our final Principal Pride Award Winners of the 2023-2024 school year!
Our WHOLE SCHOOL assembly CELEBRATING students and staff!! Wildly Important Goals (WIG's), Math Growth, Reading Growth, Attendance, and a retirement, Oh My!!! #maybeastaffdancetoo! 2/2
Our WHOLE SCHOOL assembly CELEBRATING students and staff!! Wildly Important Goals (WIG's), Math Growth, Reading Growth, Attendance, and a retirement, Oh My!!! #maybeastaffdancetoo! 1/2
A beautiful day Friday for our Early Childhood Field Day!!
Second Grade Mystery Reader on the Ranch!! We hope that this inspires far-away family and friends to volunteer!
Garden Club is at it again! Check this out!!
Field Day Fun today!!!
A HUGE congratulations to the 8th-grade students from Palombi Middle School at their graduation tonight! #Mustangstrong #onceamustangalwaysamustang
Field Day Fun 2024!!! Thank you to Mrs. Merges for ANOTHER INCREDIBLE FIELD DAY!!!
Thank you also to ALL of our volunteers today!! #FORTHEKDS! 2/2
Field Day Fun 2024!!! Thank you to Mrs. Merges for ANOTHER INCREDIBLE FIELD DAY!!!
Thank you also to ALL of our volunteers today!! #FORTHEKDS! 1/2
INCREDIBLE band concert this evening at Palombi Middle School for ALL elementary 5th graders!! #talentedcrew #continueonatPJP
Congratulations to our May Principal Pride Award Winners!
5th Grade Awards Ceremony this morning with 104 awards earned!! Congratulations to all of the hard-working Mustangs! Keep up the great effort!!
Congratulations to our May Students of the Month honored this morning! #youngleaders #assemblyleaders
We are thrilled to announce that Hooper, Martin, Thompson, and Palombi Schools reached the Leader in Me Lighthouse Status!
It was a great day at the Martin Ranch!
5th grade Reader's Theater for Kindergarten!