A successful day #1 in the books at the Ranch today! The excitement was abound from students and teachers today as we couldn't tell who was more excited!! 2/2
A successful day #1 in the books at the Ranch today! The excitement was abound from students and teachers today as we couldn't tell who was more excited!! 1/2
A successful day #1 in the books at the Ranch today! The excitement was abound from students and teachers today as we couldn't tell who was more excited!! 1/2
A successful day #1 in the books at the Ranch today! The excitement was abound from students and teachers today as we couldn't tell who was more excited!! 1/2
A great opening day of the 2024-2025 school year in LVSD #41!
An incredible Curiosity Day at Martin School today! A huge thanks to the staff and the PTO for their hard work!!
An incredible Curiosity Day at Martin School today! A huge thanks to the staff and the PTO for their hard work!!
Building Resilience PD in LVSD#41 these past 2 days! #incrediblepresenter
Professional Development Day #5 with PLC+ for Leaders! #LVSD#41
Collaboration at work with Dave Nagel! #PLC+
PLC+ for Leaders today for day #4 of summer professional development!
A thoughtful professional development day #3 filled with Success Criteria!
Day 2 complete with Teacher Clarity work!
Busy day in D#41 with TONS of adult learning going on! #teacherclarity #keepthePDcoming!
Altruistic August is HERE!#happierkindertogether
Martin Garden Club results continue to thrive!!
Let's find ways to bounce back!
Who wants pizza?! Our kiddos planted tomatoes, peppers, and basil. We turned our garden into a Pizza Garden and plan to harvest the veggies at the beginning of the school year for a garden-to-classroom pizza party.
MANY Mustangs were honored today at the End-of-Year Service Award Ceremony at Palombi Middle School this afternoon! 2/2
MANY Mustangs were honored today at the End-of-Year Service Award Ceremony at Palombi Middle School this afternoon! 1/2