Dear Parents, Guardians, and Palombi Students,
Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! We hope you all had a wonderful, relaxing summer. It has been a very busy summer here at Palombi, and we are excited about all of the construction changes that occurred. Our cafeteria and kitchen have been remodeled, so the students should find it easier and more efficient to get their food during lunch. Also, the locker rooms have been completely redone, allowing backpacks to fit into the lockers. Finally, various classrooms have been reimagined and moved. See the most recent pictures of construction here: Palombi Facebook Page
We have also enhanced our safety measures with the addition of outdoor lighting to both parking lots. The main doors to the building will also be locked, which will require visitors to be buzzed in twice. As was always the practice, all staff will be required to wear their id badges. In addition, classroom doors will be locked at all times, we will increase the number of lockdown drills, and finally, staff will be retrained on ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) procedures.
One last big change is that cell phones will no longer be allowed during the school day. Students will be required to leave their cell phones in their lockers. If a student has their phone out in class, the phone will be sent to the office, and the student will pick up the phone at the end of the school day. This was a deeply discussed and thought-out decision, and we consulted with the Lake Villa police department for feedback. They support this decision, as their dispatch would not be inundated during an emergency. In addition, all classrooms have landline phones, and staff will have their cell phones if needed. Please see the detailed Parent-Student Handbook here: 2023 Parent Student Handbook
We cannot begin to tell you how much we are looking forward to seeing all of you on the first day of school, Monday, August 29th, which is a half day of school for all students. Classes start at 7:32 and will end at 10:30.
Middle school hours Monday through Thursday are from 7:32 AM-2:17 PM. Every Friday the schedule is 7:32AM - 1:00PM. This year we are also following the Friday class schedule on every other Wednesday, starting Wednesday, September 7th. However, on these Wednesday's students will NOT go home at 1PM but will engage in Leader In Me activities with the staff, and school will be dismissed at 2:17.
We look forward to beginning the new school year with you and your child/ren on August 29th. If any of us can be of any assistance, please reach out. Please mark your calendars for Curiosity Day on Friday, August 26th: 1pm-2pm 6th grade, 2pm-3pm 7th grade, and 3pm-4pm 8th grade. Please also join us for Curriculum Night on September 1st, time TBD.
It is going to be an exciting new school year! Please feel free to call us with any questions you may have.
Dr. Vic Wight
Angela Sisi
Dean of Students
Julie Pozezinski (Poe)
Dean of Student Services
Other Important Information
Bus Changes
Durham Bus Service will be sending out bus routes and stops directly to families. If you are in need of information, please call Durham at 847.356.6990
Reminder: Except in emergency situations, and with prior approval of the principal, students are not allowed to take a different bus to school or to another location after school.
Student Schedules
All schedules will be available the week of August 22nd, via PowerSchool Parent Portal. For those who are not registered, you may not be able to see your schedule until you are registered.
Gym Uniform
If you haven't already done so, please visit Brooks-Allan and purchase a uniform. Brooks-Allan information can be found here.
GYM Locks
Both hallway locks and p.e. locks are supplied by Lake Villa SD 41. If a student loses a p.e. lock, the charge for a new lock will be $10.00.
Looking for a Job?
Palombi is looking for four teacher assistants and two permanent subs. If you have any interest, please send Mrs. Angela Sisi, Dean of Students, an email..
School Lunch
Reminder that the District no longer provides free lunch for all students. Paid Lunch is $3.05. To apply for Free/Reduced Lunch visit our website under Food Service.
Registration and Fees
School Registration Fees are now due. The fees will increase after August 31. Payments can be made electronically on the District's website, via regular mail, or in- person at the school building (if your secretaries are back at the time of sending the newsletter)
Supplemental Insurance
District offers Voluntary Supplemental Student Accident Insurance. To enroll for supplemental insurance, please click here. (however you want to send it)
Sports & Activities
A reminder for those students that plan to participate in Boys and Girls Soccer, Girls Softball, and/or Coed Cross Country: an up-to-date physical must be on file in the Health Coordinator’s office before a student will be allowed to try out for any given sport. The registration form for tryouts and to participate in cross country will be on our website soon. Follow this registration form to access the form when it becomes available. Tryouts for soccer and softball will be taking place as follows:
Boys Soccer: August 30th & 31st, 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Girls Soccer: August 30th & 31st, 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Girls Softball: August 30th & 31st, 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Coed Cross Country (no cut sport): practice begins August 30th, 2:30pm – 4:00pm
Important Dates
August 26th - Curiosity Day
Curiosity Day is meant to drop off supplies in your lockers, receive your locker combo from your advisory teacher, and walk briefly to see your path to your classes.
6th grade: 1pm-2pm
7th grade: 2pm-3pm
8th grade: 3pm-4pm
August 29th - 7:32 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. - First Half-Day of School
The first day is a half day of school. The students are to arrive by 7:32 a.m. and go directly to first period
September 1st - Curriculum Night - TIME TBD on Aug 8th
Curriculum nights provide teachers an opportunity to talk with parents about the upcoming school year. Daily routines, classroom management systems, and class requirements are just a few items that can help parent-teacher communication at the start of the year.
September 5th - Labor Day - No School