INCREDIBLE Martin staff celebrated this week for Staff Appreciation!
Thank you, PTO!
Retirement celebration at the Board of Education meeting this evening! Congratulations to these incredible District #41 staff members!!! #suemorrisattheranch
Glow Day in Kindergarten
Kindergarten students preparing for their concert THIS Thursday night at 6:30 PM!!!
Principal Pride!
The Garden Club is back at it again. We planted seedlings from the Adopt A Seed project and several flowering plants donated by nurseries and Martin families! We loved seeing so many people who make Martin a beautiful school. This day is amazing because of you all who came!
May Principal Pride Awards!
Principal Pride for May!
Health office helper today!
Honoring Habit #8-Find Your Voice, and Inspire Others to Find Theirs this morning at our Student of the Month ceremony! #growingleaders #thankyouassemblyleaders
Buddies....inside and outside of the building! #3rdandkindergarten
Let's take action to be Happier and Kinder, Together! #mindfulmay
First-grade mystery reader!
Kindergarten Students “leave their mark” with the help of 5th grade leaders!!
First-grade mystery reader!
Incredible second-grade authors earning Principal Pride!