Congratulations to our latest Principal Pride Winners!!!

An incredible amount of Principal Pride winners awarded today for their effort!!!

SUPER proud of our tour guides for giving tours this morning to a new family of 4!!! #welcometotheranch!

Congratulations to a second grade Student of the Month!!! Proud of you and the hard work you put in!

Nothing like having classmates ready for a NEW Mustang! #family

Proud of more second grade Students of the Month!!! Way to GO!!

LOVED the Activating Math Talk book study this morning led by our coach!!!! Thank you!!

A packed house at Martin tonight for our first Leader in Me Family Night!!! Over 90 families, 50+ student leaders, and 25+ staff members made tonight UNFORGETTABLE! Students and staff knocked it OUT OF THE PARK! More pics coming soon!

Don't forget about our Leader in Me Family Night TONIGHT from 6-7 PM at Martin School!! Can't wait to see you there!!!

Proud of another young Mustang for being Student of the Month!!!

Congratulations to first grade January Students of the Month!! Proud of you!!

2nd grade leaders working with Kindergarten students on mixed addition/subtraction. #growingleaders #mathematicians

2nd grade leaders working with Kindergarten students on mixed addition/subtraction. #growingleaders #mathematicians

Very proud of a third grade Student of the Month!!

SO excited for a Kindergarten Student of the Month!!! Way to go!!

Who's ready for Friendly February?!?

Principal Reads Night!! SO Fun!!

INCREDIBLE turnout tonight at the Lake Villa Public Library for Principal Reads Night!!! Appreciate everyone coming out! Can't wait to do it again!!

Congratulations to our Kindergarten Student of the Month!!

Congratulations to a Kindergarten Student of the Month!!!