Taste-testing homemade applesauce in first grade!
Principal Pride Award Winners!!!
Principal Pride Winners with incredible effort!!
5th graders working with Habit # 2-Begin With the End in Mind! #youngleaders
Principal Pride winners with their AMAZING work!!! Congratulations! #mustangpride
Leaders touring with a new Mustang at the ranch today!!!
Kindergarten GREEN day!!!
5th graders checking in on Lead Measures and taking data on staff WIG's! #studentleaders #accountability #leaderinme
After-school choir in preparation for the Elementary Choir Festival in October!!
A HUGE congratulations to our Summer Reading Winners who received a pizza party today! SO proud of you! Great job!!
Leader in Me tours and conversations today! #growingleaders #leadershipopportunities #sharingourvoice #sharingthejourney
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!
Great night for our grades 3-5 Curriculum Night!! #studentleaders #leaderinme 2 of 2
Great night for our grades 3-5 Curriculum Night!! #studentleaders #leaderinme 1 of 2
Check out our monthly mental health presentations!!!! And they're virtual!!!
An INCREDIBLE Curriculum Night for EC-second grade tonight!!!! #Part 2 of 2
#leadersshine #Leaderinme
An INCREDIBLE Curriculum Night for EC-second grade tonight!!!! #Part 1 of 2
#leadersshine #Leaderinme
Kindergarten Yellow Day!!
Do you know of anyone?!? Start the application process TODAY!
Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 6th is NATIONAL READ A BOOK DAY!! Children who lack ongoing access to a rich selection of books spend far less time reading, resulting in lower reading proficiency and a struggle to complete high school and prepare for the world beyond.
In honor of this day, we are starting our BIRTHDAY BOOK CLUB! Beginning tomorrow, students will receive a book on their birthday (we will ensure all students who have celebrated since 8/23 also receive their book)!! #readersareleaders