Two incredible mathematicians were honored with Principal Pride Awards today!
November Principal Pride Awards!!!
After school exercise....check!!! #well-rounded
Tour guides are on the move with a new MUSTANG today!!!
New Ways November! Ready?
First Grade!
A great Halloween parade today with some creative parent help in the classrooms!!!
First-grade fire prevention presentation! @LVFDattheranch
Reading comprehension skills with escape room flair using lockboxes!!
Kindergarten reviewing "greater than/less than" through a ghost hunt!
Mystery Readers on the Ranch in first grade!
Mystery Reader today!
Principal Pride Winners!!!
Students were honored this morning for exhibiting Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind! #leaderinme #mustangpride #growingleaders
Wonderful choir performance by Martin, Hooper, and Thompson School tonight at Palombi!!! KUDOS!
Mustang musicians past and present! #mustangpride
More October Principal Pride awards today!!
Win-win activity for 3rd and Kindergarten! Students enjoyed reading in the dark with flashlights and the Kindergarteners listened to the older students read in Spanish and English.
Kindergarten students making piñatas to conclude Hispanic Heritage Month while sharpening the saw!!
Lake Villa District 41 staff came together to discuss our multi-year teaching and learning plan! It was a fantastic day! #elevateLV41