Thursday Mystery Reader in First Grade!!
#Health office Helper
Nothing like starting the year with incredible tour guides and a new Mustang!!!
Peace-Love-Martin Spiritwear Sale is On until Wednesday, January 17th!! Check it out!
Proud of our first Principal Pride of 2024!!! Way to go!
Appreciate our incredible parent helpers on the ranch!!!!
Happier January! #2024ishere
Kindergarten Mystery Reader!
5th Grade Capture the Flag!!!
Student Lighthouse team plan for the sock drive! #MustangsLEAD
Coffee and Snack cart on the move!
First-grade math snowball fight!
Gingerbread Hunt 2023
More Principal Pride's for December!
December Principal Pride winners!!!
First-grade Mystery Reader!
Festive in 5th grade!
Kindergarten Mystery Readers
December Principal Pride!
Another first-grade Mystery Reader yesterday!!