2nd grade Mystery Reader today!
2nd-grade Principal Pride recipient today!!
Our Student Lighthouse & Tourguide members did an INCREDIBLE job last night as they created AND presented a slideshow on leadership to the #LV41 Board of Education!
Appreciate our first-grade mystery reader on the ranch!
Honored to have local author Lowey Sichol at the Ranch today introducing business and entrepreneurship to 5th graders! #growingleaders
Health office helper!
February Principal Pride recipient! #goalmet #whatsnext #bringiton
Appreciate our tour guides showing our new Mustangs around on day 1! #bragtour
Friday fun with our coffee & snack cart run by students #nevertooyoungtolead
Kindergarten Mystery Reader! #memories
What?!? Martin Mustangs collected more than 3,700 PAIRS of socks for the Open Arms Mission this week!!!! What an incredible SELFLESS act!!! #leaderslead
First grade Mystery Reader on the Ranch!
100th day of fun for Kindergarten today #thatwasfast
Principal Pride for February!
Health office helpers!
Second-grade mystery reader on the ranch!!
An incredible Student of the Month ceremony this morning honoring Habit #5-Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood. #studentleaders #Leaderinme #assemblyleaders
First-grade mystery Reader today!!
Incredible Winter Festival Night hosted by our local BPAC (Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee) with the help of our incredible team! A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Scott, Ms. Baker, Mrs. Kalodimos, Ms. Martinez, Mrs. Block, Mrs. Larson, Mrs. Garcia, Mrs. Gonzalez, and Mrs. Ehrenhofer
First grade Mystery Reader on the Ranch!