Congrats to more Principal Pride Award winners!!
Lake Villa District 41 student leaders did a great job in the Lake Villa St. Patrick's Day Parade!
What an incredible music concert put on last night by our second-grade students!!! Kudos to Miss Klug!
Martin tour guides "on the road again".......
Getting ready for the second-grade music concert THIS Thursday!!
Principal Pride Winners! #firstgradefriends
Principal Pride Winners and their incredible effort and work!
Congratulations Principal Pride Winners!!
Thank you so much to the families who adopted a seed (packet). What a wonderful and involved community at Martin. Special thanks to Mrs. Bamberg for making our board beautiful by adding the names of families who adopted a seed.
Principal Pride Award Winners #part 2
Principal Pride Winners!
Thank you, PTO, for a wonderful breakfast this morning!! #mondaymorningvibes
Health office helpers!
Starting March with MANY hardworking Mustangs!!! #principalprideaward
Save-A-Pet project in Mrs. Carter's classroom is a SUCCESS!
A first-grade mystery reader on the ranch!!
5th graders working on Synergy and participating in Helium Hula Hoop during their morning meeting. #Leaderinme #manyhandsmakelightwork
4th-grade WIG check-in! #WIGS #leaderinme
A great time was had by all tonight at the Lake Villa Public Library for Principal Reads!! #homebeforethestorms
Second-grade Principal Pride Winner!