Starting March with MANY hardworking Mustangs!!! #principalprideaward
12 months ago, Scott Klene
Hardworking Mustangs!!! #principalprideaward
Save-A-Pet project in Mrs. Carter's classroom is a SUCCESS!
12 months ago, Scott Klene
Save-A-Pet project in Mrs. Carter's classroom is a SUCCESS!
A first-grade mystery reader on the ranch!!
12 months ago, Scott Klene
first-grade mystery reader on the ranch!!
first-grade mystery reader on the ranch!!
5th graders working on Synergy and participating in Helium Hula Hoop during their morning meeting. #Leaderinme #manyhandsmakelightwork
12 months ago, Scott Klene
5th graders working on Synergy
5th graders working on Synergy
5th graders working on Synergy
5th graders working on Synergy
5th graders working on Synergy
5th graders working on Synergy
4th-grade WIG check-in! #WIGS #leaderinme
12 months ago, Scott Klene
Wild WIG's in grade 4
A great time was had by all tonight at the Lake Villa Public Library for Principal Reads!! #homebeforethestorms
12 months ago, Scott Klene
LVPL Principal Reads
LVPL Principal Reads
LVPL Principal Reads
Second-grade Principal Pride Winner!
12 months ago, Scott Klene
Second-grade Principal Pride Winner!
Congrats to a third-grader achieving her #goals!
12 months ago, Scott Klene
Principal Pride!
Proud of our most recent Principal Pride Winners!
12 months ago, Scott Klene
 Principal Pride Winners!
First-grade February Principal Pride Winner!!
12 months ago, Scott Klene
February Principal Pride Winner!!
February Principal Pride Winners!!
12 months ago, Scott Klene
February Principal Pride
What happens at Hooper when a student needs a quiet place to work? A staff member simply sits on the floor in the hallway and they get to work. #hardworkingstaff #studentscomefirst
12 months ago, Steve Feldman
A wonderful Student of the Month ceremony celebrating students who exhibited Habit #6-Synergize at Martin School! #strongleaders #assemblyleaders
12 months ago, Scott Klene
Students of the Month
Students of the Month
Students of the Month
Students of the Month
Students of the Month
Students of the Month
Students of the Month
Students of the Month
Students of the Month
Students of the Month
Students in Ms. Nash’s 2nd grade class at Hooper brainstormed UFLI long vowel team words. Then created silly sentences using all 4 vowel teams. Finally, they worked together to put the sentences back together to make a complete sentence.
12 months ago, Steve Feldman
Hooper had its annual RTI math and literacy night. What a fun night with popcorn, great families, BINGO and fun prizes. So much fun!!!
12 months ago, Steve Feldman
Mrs. Gutsmiedl’s class at Hooper is playing a game to learn how to tell time to the nearest half hour.
12 months ago, Steve Feldman
Another third-grade Principal Pride Winner for February!
about 1 year ago, Scott Klene
 third-grade Principal Pride Winner for February!
Proud of our third-grade Principal Pride Winners!
about 1 year ago, Scott Klene
third-grade Principal Pride Winners!
Pre-k pizza anyone?!?
about 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Pre-k pizza anyone?!?
Pre-k pizza anyone?!?
Principal Pride Award to start the week today!!!
about 1 year ago, Scott Klene
Principal Pride Award