Greetings, Lake Villa School District 41!
My name is Dr. Sandra Keim-Bounds, and I have been a member of the Lake Villa Community Consolidated District 41 school community for the past twenty-five years. I am honored to serve as your superintendent in the years to come.
During the spring and summer of 2023, staff has been preparing to ELEVATE District 41! Highlights of our work include:
The District Math Curriculum Committee will pilot two math resources this fall: iReady and Illustrative Math. We are excited to evaluate the engaging, hands-on, and higher-level learning students will experience through these pilots.
Our Kindergarten through 2nd Grade English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum was re-aligned to include explicit, systematic phonemic awareness and phonics instruction by incorporating two curricular resources: Heggerty and UFLI. These curricular resources align with the Science of Reading research about how children learn to read and how reading is effectively taught.
During the summer, over 145 staff members strengthened their instructional practices by participating in professional development sessions led by our District Instructional Coaches. Sessions focused on the Science of Reading, Mathematics Progressions, Engagement Strategies, and a revised K-2nd Grade English Language Arts Scope and Sequence integrating explicit and systematic instruction in phonemic awareness and phonics. Other offerings included English Learners Strategies, Progress Monitoring, UFLI, CPI, and Information Text Strategies training sessions.
The Leader in Me Lighthouse teams are preparing for movement towards Lighthouse status. The goal is to have our district complete the review process within the year.
District 41 utilized the remainder of referendum bonds to supplement various summer 2023 facility improvements. To highlight noticeable changes, Hooper and Palombi School now have new flooring in common hallway areas, Hooper has fencing around the detention pond, Palombi staff parking lot and entry has been repaved, Thompson Parent Pick-Up/Drop-Off has been repaved, and the Martin School Library has new carpet and a fresh coat of paint. Less noticeable projects include fire protection system improvements at Thompson and the water main replacement at Hooper.
As shared in a prior communication, we will create our district’s ‘Portrait of a Graduate’ as it relates to our District mission, vision, beliefs, and goals. Our Portrait of a Graduate will represent our vision for the skills and character traits students need to succeed in college, career, and life. We recognize school, family, and stakeholder partnerships make District 41 exceptional. Therefore, we are seeking your input for setting district priorities that ensure our students are successful and future-ready. Learn more about the process by clicking on the ‘Portrait of a Graduate’’ tab under the Parents and Students section of our website.
We are excited to welcome and partner with you as we plan for the future of this great school district.
Sandra Keim-Bounds, Superintendent
Lake Villa Community Consolidated School District 41